Raphael Appignanesi ARE, Gnosis
Raphael Appignanesi ARE, Middle Ground
Margaret Ashman RE, Ebb and Flow
Margaret Ashman RE, First Movement
Margaret Ashman RE, In the Beginning 1
Robert Baggaley RE, Industrial Landscape 3
Robert Baggaley RE, St. Agnes
Robert Baggaley RE, Still Life
Robert Baggaley RE, Zigurat
Dale Devereux Barker RE, Still Life Homage I
Dale Devereux Barker RE, Untitled I
Dale Devereux Barker RE, Untitled II
Dale Devereux Barker RE, Untitled III
Mychael Barratt PPRE Hon. RWS, Chien Maison - Louise Bourgeois’ Dog
Jo Barry RE, And We Had Snow
Jo Barry RE, Heaven Peeps Through the Blanket of the Dark
Jo Barry RE, New Day, New Energy
Jo Barry RE, Relishing the Warmth
Adrian Bartlett RE, Nice-matin
Adrian Bartlett RE, Street Scene
June Berry RWS Hon. RE, Two Vases
June Berry RWS Hon. RE, Winter Pears
Christie Bird RWS, Fruit Bowl and Paw Paw
Laura Boswell ARE, Light Study: Bright
Laura Boswell ARE, Light Study: Early
Laura Boswell ARE, Light Study: Glow
Francis Bowyer PPRWS Hon. RE, Evening Light on the Blyth River
Francis Bowyer PPRWS Hon. RE, Twilight on the Blyth
Janet Brooke RE, 0% Finance
Janet Brooke RE, On the Wing
Janet Brooke RE, Waiting for the bus
Janet Brooke RE, We're Behaving Like Insects
Liz Butler RWS, Leaf from the Pear Tree
Liz Butler RWS, Red Maple Leaf
Corinna Button RE, A Breath Of Fresh Air
Corinna Button RE, Hope
Corinna Button RE, You On My Mind
Patricia Paolozzi Cain ARWS, A Spell for Creation
Patricia Paolozzi Cain ARWS, Within the Flower There Lies a Seed
Patricia Paolozzi Cain ARWS, Within the Seed There Springs a Tree
Patricia Paolozzi Cain ARWS, Within the Tree There Spreads a Wood
Paul Catherall RE, Hoover Black
Paul Catherall RE, Telecom Black
Jessica Jane Charleston Guest RWS, Hunter's Robe
Jessica Jane Charleston Guest RWS, Storm
Jessica Jane Charleston Guest RWS, Suckle
Jessica Jane Charleston Guest RWS, Winged
Julie D. Cooper RWS, Fistral
Blaze Cyan RE, The General (West)
Blaze Cyan RE, Timeless
Louise Davies RE, Afternoon Sun
Louise Davies RE, Early Evening Shadows
Louise Davies RE, Morning Mist
Dolores de Sade RE, #B1147, Swale Crossing
Dolores de Sade RE, A23, Junction 4
Dolores de Sade RE, Somewhere Between What
Dolores de Sade RE, Thames Estuary, Isle of Sheppey
Claire Denny RWS, North Wales Landscape
Claire Denny RWS, North Wales Landscape Features
Anne Desmet RA RE, Angel and Book
Anne Desmet RA RE, Angel with Palm Leaves
Anne Desmet RA RE, Beetle
Paul Dewis RE, Submerged
Paul Dewis RE, Submerged 2
Paul Dewis RE, Sunken
Paul Dewis RE, Sunken 2
John Duffin RWS RE, Arrival - King's Cross St Pancras Station
John Duffin RWS RE, Coastal Trains - Victoria Station
Meg Dutton RE, Concrete Cat
Meg Dutton RE, Dreaming Cat
Meg Dutton RE, Garden Lake
Meg Dutton RE, Glasshouse window
Gordon Ellis-Brown ARE, Final Frontier (Houston We Have a Problem)
Gordon Ellis-Brown ARE, Soul Shaker (A Day in the Life of Ten Bears)
Gordon Ellis-Brown ARE, Soul Shaker (Tumbleweed)
Suzy Fasht RWS, Cardoons
Suzy Fasht RWS, Posy
Marianne Ferm RE, Frozen!
Marianne Ferm RE, Winter
Peter Ford RE, Diamond Stitch Work
Peter Ford RE, Hexagon 1
Peter Ford RE, Hexagon 2
Peter Ford RE, Kaleidoscope
Chloe Fremantle RWS, Northumbrian Cow Parsley View
Chloe Fremantle RWS, Northumbrian Driveway's Trees to the Right
Chloe Fremantle RWS, Northumbrian Wall and Willow Herb
Chloe Fremantle RWS, Northumbrian Wall on Rust
Janet Golphin RWS, Amaryllis with Ghost Japanese Anemones
Rachel Gracey RE, Mount Tamalpais State Park
Rachel Gracey RE, Ocean Beach
Rachel Gracey RE, Perkins Park
Rachel Gracey RE, Pescadero
Mark Graver RE, Sandford I
Mark Graver RE, Sandford II
Mark Graver RE, Still Life I
Mark Graver RE, Still Life VII
Terence Gravett ARE, Carra
Terence Gravett ARE, Princeps Gov.
Terence Gravett ARE, Sulla
Terence Gravett ARE, The Geometrist
Michelle Griffiths VPRE, Artemis
Michelle Griffiths VPRE, Planning Application
Michelle Griffiths VPRE, Recalculating
Michelle Griffiths VPRE, Unexpected Item
David Hamilton RWS, Shadows & Highlights-West Wittering
David Hamilton RWS, Walkers Past & Present: East Selsey Prom
David Hamilton RWS, Wittering Games
David Hamilton RWS, Wittering Sun
Brian Hanscomb RE, The Three Trees
Roger Harris RE, Etude IV
Roger Harris RE, Rainbow
Brenda Hartill RE, Copper Elements IX
Brenda Hartill RE, Golden Glow VII, 2020
Brenda Hartill RE, Islands in the Sun Remembered 2020
Brenda Hartill RE, Silvered Spring
Paul Hawdon RE, Eight Dots
Paul Hawdon RE, Removing the Mask
Paul Hawdon RE, Silent Encounter
Jason Hicklin RE, Battersea SW8
Jason Hicklin RE, City of London EC3
Jason Hicklin RE, The Shard SE1
Jason Hicklin RE, Westminster SW1
Stephen Hoskins RE, Golden Section 5
Stephen Hoskins RE, Miniature Uphill Aeroplane
Sue Howells RWS, Jinney Ring Time
Sue Howells RWS, Riverside Irises
Sue Howells RWS, Star Struck Crow
Sue Howells RWS, You Lead I'll Follow
Jim Hunter VPRWS, Purbeck Landscape 1
Jim Hunter VPRWS, Purbeck Landscape 2
Jim Hunter VPRWS, Purbeck Landscape 3
H. J. Jackson RE, Alongside
H. J. Jackson RE, Beach Shadows II
H. J. Jackson RE, LN96 - Dry Dock
H. J. Jackson RE, Quayside Shadows
Wendy Jacob RWS, Clementines
Wendy Jacob RWS, Little Brown Jug
Wendy Jacob RWS, Still Life: Grey, Yellow and Blue
Wendy Jacob RWS, White Peony Buds
Rosamund Jones RE, Seacliff Bride
Rosamund Jones RE, Wild Cockerel
Karen Keogh RE, Magenta Sky
Karen Keogh RE, Poplars
Karen Keogh RE, The Olive Grove
Frank Kiely RE, Bookland
Anita Klein PPRE Hon. RWS, Dinner in Winter
Anita Klein PPRE Hon. RWS, Family Gathering
Anita Klein PPRE Hon. RWS, The Grandma
Anita Klein PPRE Hon. RWS, Watching Maisy with Lo
Linda Landers RE, Blue Frog
Linda Landers RE, Golden Cat
Linda Landers RE, Newt
Ursula Leach RE, Hanging Field
Ursula Leach RE, Poplar
Ursula Leach RE, Stem II
Sharon Lee RE, Typescape in A
Sharon Lee RE, Typescape in O
Martin Leman RWS, Coastal Lights
Martin Leman RWS, Postcard from the Edge
Angie Lewin RWS RE, Spanish Seedheads
Jane Lewis RWS, Spring - Wishful Thinking 1
Jane Lewis RWS, Spring - Wishful Thinking 2
Jane Lewis RWS, The Fortress
Jane Lewis RWS, Winter Fields
David Lintine ARE, Saloon Bar - Nether Stowey
David Lintine ARE, The Old Green Tree Pub - Bath
David Lintine ARE, Window Seat - The National Gallery
David Lintine ARE, WOMAD - Tiny Tea Tent
Libby Lloyd ARE, MOON CUBE - Companion
Peter Lloyd RE, Black Santa
Julia Manning RE, My Garden Moths Poplar Hawkmoth
Sasa Marinkov RE, The Cloud
Sasa Marinkov RE, The Protest
Sasa Marinkov RE, The Walnut Tree
Anne Marlow RWS, Blackbird and River
Anne Marlow RWS, Blackthorn Blossom
Caroline McAdam Clark RWS, Held Aloft
Caroline McAdam Clark RWS, Lamb Adrift
Caroline McAdam Clark RWS, Out of the Woods
Caroline McAdam Clark RWS, Thoreau's Cabin
Colin Merrin RWS, Green Dress
Colin Merrin RWS, I Might As Well Have A Good Time
Michael Middleton RWS RE, Another Day at the Seaside
Michael Middleton RWS RE, Ideal Upstate Retreat
Michael Middleton RWS RE, Rainy Day in the City
Michael Middleton RWS RE, Town Centre
Julia Midgley RWS RE, Curly Wurly
Julia Midgley RWS RE, Dancer with Branch
Julia Midgley RWS RE, Kimono Dancer
Julia Midgley RWS RE, Zebra at the Hairdresser's
Stephen Mumberson RE, In the Lot 1
Stephen Mumberson RE, In the Lot 2
John Newberry RWS, Anemones, Red White and Blue
John Newberry RWS, Penang Market, Malaysia
John Newberry RWS, Puppet Theatre, Singapore
John Newberry RWS, Ships in Kyrenia Harbour
Rika Newcombe RWS, Florilegium No.6
Rika Newcombe RWS, Where Have All the Flowers Gone?
Jackie Newell RE, 3rd Ave Bridge New York #1
Jackie Newell RE, 3rd Ave Bridge New York #2
Jackie Newell RE, 3rd Ave Bridge New York #3
Jackie Newell RE, 3rd Ave Bridge New York #4
Lars Nyberg RE, 2021
Lars Nyberg RE, Maev´s Peculiar Plant
Lars Nyberg RE, Small and Big Avocado
Lars Nyberg RE, Young Avocado
David Paskett PPRWS Hon. RE, St Ives Harbour 1
David Paskett PPRWS Hon. RE, St Ives Harbour 2
David Paskett PPRWS Hon. RE, St Ives Harbour 3
David Paskett PPRWS Hon. RE, St Ives Harbour 4
Sumi Perera RE, LINES EXPLORING SPACE Inside Out-Outside In [A]
Sumi Perera RE, LINES EXPLORING SPACE Inside Out-Outside In [B]
Sumi Perera RE, LINES EXPLORING SPACE Inside Out-Outside In [C]
Sioban Piercy RE, Small Restless Object (One)
Sioban Piercy RE, Small Restless Object (Two)
Simon Pierse RWS, Burano after Lunch
Simon Pierse RWS, San Michele Cemetery Island from the Fondamente Nove
Geoffrey Pimlott RWS, Covid Red Black Nineteen
Geoffrey Pimlott RWS, Four Cobalt Circles
Geoffrey Pimlott RWS, Red Design with Black Square
Geoffrey Pimlott RWS, Yellow Stripe with Black
Neil Pittaway RWS RE, Cusco Cathedral, Peru
Neil Pittaway RWS RE, Hyde Park Corner From Wellington Arch, London
Neil Pittaway RWS RE, The Bridge and Gorge at Ronda, Spain
Trevor Price RE, Small Chop III
Trevor Price RE, Storm Waves IV
Salliann Putman RWS, Golden Light
Salliann Putman RWS, Light Moments
Salliann Putman RWS, The Colour of Light
Salliann Putman RWS, Towards Blue
Peter Quinn RWS, Chained Door, Gaucin, Andalucia
Peter Quinn RWS, No Parking, Gaucin, Andalucia
Peter Quinn RWS, No. 36, Gaucin, Andalucia
Peter Quinn RWS, Postbox, Notting Hill Gate, London
Mark Raggett RWS, Carn Rhosson
Mark Raggett RWS, Rocky Landscape
Mark Raggett RWS, Shoreline 1
Mark Raggett RWS, Shoreline 2
Paul Regan RWS, Insight Studio During Lockdown I
Paul Regan RWS, Insight Studio During Lockdown II
Paul Regan RWS, Insight Studio During Lockdown III
Robin Richmond RWS, Flooded Field, France
Robin Richmond RWS, Ice and Field, France
Robin Richmond RWS, In a Dark Wood, France
Robin Richmond RWS, Ploughed Field, France
Stuart Robertson RWS, The Librarian's Notes
Sula Rubens RWS, Doric String Quartet
Sula Rubens RWS, In Absence - Viola Player
Sula Rubens RWS, Madonna and Child
Sula Rubens RWS, Two Geese -Study
Margaret Sellars RE, Banana Plantation
Margaret Sellars RE, Plantation 1
Margaret Sellars RE, Plantation 2
Ann Tout RE, Anteaters
Ann Tout RE, Banded Demoiselle
Ann Tout RE, Tawny Owl
Lisa Traxler RWS, Safety Net 5
Lisa Traxler RWS, Safety Net 7
Mei Chen Tseng ARE, Conversations Across Time I
Mei Chen Tseng ARE, Conversations Across Time II
Mei Chen Tseng ARE, Take It Down
Mei Chen Tseng ARE, Trump Papercutting
Bren Unwin PPRE Hon. RWS, Borderline
Bren Unwin PPRE Hon. RWS, Boundary
Bren Unwin PPRE Hon. RWS, Field of Intent
Bren Unwin PPRE Hon. RWS, Prospect
Frans Wesselman RE, Bath
Frans Wesselman RE, Boy with Rebec
Frans Wesselman RE, Small Mermaid
Annie Williams RWS RE, Barn in the Dordogne
Annie Williams RWS RE, Late Spring Hellebores
Annie Williams RWS RE, Nasturtiums
Annie Williams RWS RE, Still Life with a Little Green Jug
Roy Willingham RE, Lu Ban Suo
Roy Willingham RE, The Rocks and River - Cool Version
Roy Willingham RE, The Rocks and the River - Warm Version
Wai Wong ARE, Blossom 3
Wai Wong ARE, Blossom 4
Gertie Young RWS, Caravan Among the Bluebells
Gertie Young RWS, Dance of the Little Swans
Gertie Young RWS, Enough to go Round
Gertie Young RWS, Walkies Weather
Giulia Zaniol RE, Lido Sisters, Vanishing Memories
Giulia Zaniol RE, Venetian Harlequin, Vanishing Memories
Past exhibition