Ade Adesina RE, New Leaf
Ade Adesina RE, Parallel..
Ade Adesina RE, Saint Peter's Fish (Collaboration Ade Adesina & Ian Burke)
Emiko Aida RE, White Birch
Emiko Aida RE, Wink 1
Emiko Aida RE, Wink A
Jim Anderson RE, Children's Games IX (a builder of follies)
Jim Anderson RE, Children's Games X (house of commons)
Jim Anderson RE, Mumbi Reading
Raphael Appignanesi ARE, Self-Portrait
Margaret Ashman RE, Forever Dancing 2
Margaret Ashman RE, Interlude II
Margaret Ashman RE, Meditation 3
Robert Baggaley RE, Barbary Castle
Robert Baggaley RE, Grid
Robert Baggaley RE, Lapwai
Robert Baggaley RE, Rain
Denise Ballard-Wyllie ARE, Cherry Blossom Front: The Effervescences of Summer
Denise Ballard-Wyllie ARE, Cherry Blossom Front: Winter Introspection
Denise Ballard-Wyllie ARE, Into The Renaissance Rose Garden
Denise Ballard-Wyllie ARE, Long Summer Garden
Gerry Baptist RWS RE, Get me outta here!
Gerry Baptist RWS RE, Guardian- Protecting Nature at Polesdon Lacey
Gerry Baptist RWS RE, Red Lips
Gerry Baptist RWS RE, The Head Band
Gerry Baptist RWS RE, The Large Earrings
Dale Devereux Barker RE, A Bigger Lunch
Dale Devereux Barker RE, Gnarly plant V
Dale Devereux Barker RE, Homage to Picasso I
Mychael Barratt PPRE Hon. RWS, Hockney's Dog - The Biggest Splash
Mychael Barratt PPRE Hon. RWS, Primrose Hill - Summer, after Bruegel
Mychael Barratt PPRE Hon. RWS, Van Gogh's Dog
Mychael Barratt PPRE Hon. RWS, Wes Anderson's Dog - Page Street
Jo Barry RE, Delicious Tapestry of Autumn
Jo Barry RE, Shadows of the Morning
Melanie Bellis RE, Structure
Christie Bird RWS, Bird Jug 1
Christie Bird RWS, Bird Jug 2
Jeremy Blighton RE, Chanctonbury Ring
Jeremy Blighton RE, Morning Light
Jeremy Blighton RE, Rebuilding
Jeremy Blighton RE, Selmer Maccaferri - Jazz
Laura Boswell ARE, Between Cliffs, St Abbs Head
Laura Boswell ARE, Divided Cliff, St Abbs Head
Laura Boswell ARE, Early Morning Hillside
Laura Boswell ARE, Out The Back
Dennis Roxby Bott RWS, Arundel Castle
Dennis Roxby Bott RWS, Backyard
Dennis Roxby Bott RWS, Land Rover
Dennis Roxby Bott RWS, Magdalen College Tower, Oxford
Janet Brooke RE, All Change
Janet Brooke RE, Beside the Seaside
Janet Brooke RE, Dusk at the Seaside
Janet Brooke RE, Murmur
Liz Butler RWS, Golden Maple
Liz Butler RWS, Still life in the Garden
Liz Butler RWS, Tulips on the table
Corinna Button RE, Heading The Wind
Patricia Paolozzi Cain ARWS, Deep roots are not reached by the frost I
Patricia Paolozzi Cain ARWS, Deep roots are not reached by the frost II
Patricia Paolozzi Cain ARWS, Deep roots are not reached by the frost III
Patricia Paolozzi Cain ARWS, Deep roots are not reached by the frost IV
Paul Catherall RE, Southbank Steps Yellow
Ian Chamberlain RE, Mirror I
Ian Chamberlain RE, Mirror II
Jessica Jane Charleston Guest RWS, Red Hot Waiting
Jessica Jane Charleston Guest RWS, Secrets
Austin Cole ARE, Flower Market Seoul
Austin Cole ARE, Kamakurra Trail 6
Austin Cole ARE, Maru Ten Tokyo
Austin Cole ARE, Venice Arcade
Julie D. Cooper RWS, Cream Tea
Julie D. Cooper RWS, Hot August
Richenda Court RE, Apatite
Richenda Court RE, Crystal Gazer
Richenda Court RE, Rêve
Danielle Creenaune ARE, Quadern de Pedra 3
John Crossley VPRWS, Under The Pier, Morning Song
John Crossley VPRWS, Under The Pier, Under The Skin
Blaze Cyan RE, A Complicated Life
Blaze Cyan RE, Croft Castle IV
Blaze Cyan RE, The Fonthill Beech
Hilary Daltry RE, Lemon Tree
Hilary Daltry RE, Poppies
Louise Davies RE, Daybreak
Louise Davies RE, Midday Heat
Louise Davies RE, Midnight Walk
Louise Davies RE, Silver Lake
Claire Denny RWS, Autumn Garden
Claire Denny RWS, Spring Garden
Anne Desmet RA RE, Angel with Laurel Wreath
Anne Desmet RA RE, Angel with Palm Leaves
Anne Desmet RA RE, Brooklyn Bridge: New Day
Anne Desmet RA RE, Skiathos - Morning
John Duffin RWS RE, Rain Streets (Embankment Tube)
John Duffin RWS RE, Twickenham
Gordon Ellis-Brown ARE, Carefree Holiday
Gordon Ellis-Brown ARE, Daytrippers
David Ferry PRE, Cadillac 20-30HP (USA)
David Ferry PRE, Delahaye (France) 1909
Peter Ford RE, Fragment 1
Peter Ford RE, Ladies of the Night
Chloe Fremantle RWS, Fragments with white paper
Chloe Fremantle RWS, Fragments, curve to yellow rose
Chloe Fremantle RWS, Fragments, ochre, black and pea plants
Chloe Fremantle RWS, Fragments, smaller
Jonathan Gibbs ARE, East Coast Line
Jonathan Gibbs ARE, Nature Morte
Jonathan Gibbs ARE, To The Jade Emperor's Mountain
Jonathan Gibbs ARE, Vessel
Veta Gorner RE, Ceremony
Veta Gorner RE, Evermore
Veta Gorner RE, Matter of Time
Veta Gorner RE, Nick of Time
Sarah Granville ARE, Chestnut House
Sarah Granville ARE, Dove Pier
Sarah Granville ARE, Dungeness
Terence Gravett ARE, Biddulph
Terence Gravett ARE, Lovell Quinta
Terence Gravett ARE, Terrace series - TWO
Jemma Gunning RE, Cwm Coke Works V
David Hamilton RWS, Fair Isle
David Hamilton RWS, Steephill
David Hamilton RWS, Tree Landing
David Hamilton RWS, Wydcombe
Brian Hanscomb RE, Shine, Shower, Gorse & Stone
Roger Harris RE, Kingfisher
Roger Harris RE, Rite of Spring
Brenda Hartill RE, Golden Glow III
Brenda Hartill RE, Silvered Land III
Brenda Hartill RE, Taking Off
Brenda Hartill RE, Warm July III 2020
Paul Hawdon RE, A small number of objects No. 3
Paul Hawdon RE, A small number of objects No. 4
Louise Hayward RE, Grounded
Louise Hayward RE, Undergrowth
Julie Held RWS, Heroes
Julie Held RWS, Queen of Night
Julie Held RWS, Trace
Sue Howells RWS, Brand New Day
Sue Howells RWS, Hidden Memories
Sue Howells RWS, Lingering Autumn
Sue Howells RWS, Mornig Serendipity
Jim Hunter VPRWS, Blue Koroni 3
Jim Hunter VPRWS, Carbis
Jim Hunter VPRWS, Headland
Jim Hunter VPRWS, Ocean Bay
Oona Hyland ARE, Hidden Depths
Oona Hyland ARE, Memento Mori
Oona Hyland ARE, Memory Cloth
Oona Hyland ARE, Vessel
Wendy Jacob RWS, Enamel Mug and Earthenware
Wendy Jacob RWS, Ginger Jar and Two Lemons
Wendy Jacob RWS, White jug
Katherine Jones RA RWS RE, High Chicken Legs
Katherine Jones RA RWS RE, Reflect Up
Katherine Jones RA RWS RE, Seed House
Katherine Jones RA RWS RE, Thin Skinned
Carol Wilhide Justin ARE, Dappled Light 1
Carol Wilhide Justin ARE, Dappled Light II
Carol Wilhide Justin ARE, Dappled Light III
Carol Wilhide Justin ARE, Dappled Light IV
Karen Keogh RE, Tuscan Twilight
Anita Klein PPRE Hon. RWS, The Swimmer
Anita Klein PPRE Hon. RWS, Watching Maisy Together
Sophie Knight RWS, Black Cat peeking through Glass Vase, with Thistles and Dried Chinese lanterns .
Sophie Knight RWS, Spider Orange Chrysanthemums in Studio Sunlight
Sophie Knight RWS, Sunlight on Snow Capped Mountains and Loch, Isle of Skye
Sophie Knight RWS, Sunlight on the Loch, Isle of Skye
Linda Landers RE, The Blue Irises
Linda Landers RE, The Celestial Blooms
Ursula Leach RE, Below the Mountain
Jill Leman PPRWS Hon. RE, Blackbird & Flowers
Jill Leman PPRWS Hon. RE, Cyclamen & Tiny Cat Tin
Jill Leman PPRWS Hon. RE, For a Friend
Jill Leman PPRWS Hon. RE, Little Cat
Martin Leman RWS, Across the River
Martin Leman RWS, Lights on the Shore
Martin Leman RWS, Moonlit Flowers
Martin Leman RWS, Shimmering Coast
Angie Lewin RWS RE, Auricula 'Autumn Fire' and Lustreware Landscape
Jane Lewis RWS, Blue Water
Jane Lewis RWS, Here and Now
Jane Lewis RWS, That's the Way It Is
Jane Lewis RWS, You, yours...
David Lintine ARE, Interior of a Bedroom - Horta House
Peter Lloyd RE, Attack The Crowd
Peter Lloyd RE, Navigator
Julia Manning RE, Cinnabars At Dawn
Julia Manning RE, My Garden Cream Spots
Sasa Marinkov RE, Window Tree
Lucy Marks ARWS, Grey Light
Lucy Marks ARWS, Horizon Glow
Lucy Marks ARWS, Mist on the Hills
Lucy Marks ARWS, Remembering the Skies
Anne Marlow RWS, A Collection of Natural Objects
Anne Marlow RWS, Specimens on a Table Top
Sonia Martin RE, Night
Sonia Martin RE, The Woman Next Door
Sonia Martin RE, Waiting for Spring
Flora Mclachlan RE, Kindling
Flora Mclachlan RE, Underworld
Colin Merrin RWS, Love’s Alchemy
Colin Merrin RWS, Psychopathic Openings
Colin Merrin RWS, The Folklorists
Colin Merrin RWS, We’ll Remember
Michael Middleton RWS RE, From the Balcony
Michael Middleton RWS RE, Small Shed
Michael Middleton RWS RE, View from the Hotel Berchielli Florence
Julia Midgley RWS RE, At the Hairdressers
Julia Midgley RWS RE, Lady in Pink
Martin Mitchell ARE, Glencoyne
Martin Mitchell ARE, Old Willow
Martin Mitchell ARE, Whitlingham Broad #2
Martin Mitchell ARE, Winter Beech
Stephen Mumberson RE, Evening Mystery 1
Stephen Mumberson RE, Evening mystery 2
Stephen Mumberson RE, Evening Mystery 3
Stephen Mumberson RE, Evening Mystery 5
John Newberry RWS, Anemone Blanda
John Newberry RWS, Primrose
John Newberry RWS, Red Plum Blossom
John Newberry RWS, Snowdrops and Cairo Jug
Rika Newcombe RWS, Still Life Study no.2
Rika Newcombe RWS, Still Life Study no.3
Jackie Newell RE, March Winds 1
Jackie Newell RE, March Winds 2
Sumi Perera RE, Lines Exploring Space Inside & Outside the Building Blocks XIX
Sumi Perera RE, Lines Exploring Space Inside the Building Blocks I
Sumi Perera RE, Lines Exploring Space Inside the Building Blocks II
Sumi Perera RE, Lines Exploring Space Inside the Building Blocks III
Howard Phipps ARE, Chalk Hill Drove
Howard Phipps ARE, Dorset Coast, Seacombe
Howard Phipps ARE, Malacombe Bottom
Howard Phipps ARE, Under Win Green
Sioban Piercy RE, Waiting Object (Two)
Richard Pikesley RWS, Home, Evening
Richard Pikesley RWS, Rain Clearing, Evening
Richard Pikesley RWS, Stacked Sky, Night Coming
Richard Pikesley RWS, West from Eggardon
Neil Pittaway RWS RE, Goodbye Piccadilly
Neil Pittaway RWS RE, Iglesia de la Companía de Jesús, Cusco
Neil Pittaway RWS RE, London Lights
Neil Pittaway RWS RE, Manhattan Night
Trevor Price RE, Backwash
Trevor Price RE, Backwash
Trevor Price RE, Reflections II
Trevor Price RE, Woodland IX
Salliann Putman RWS, Blue Hills
Salliann Putman RWS, Blue Movement
Salliann Putman RWS, Moving Through
Salliann Putman RWS, St. Ives
Peter Quinn RWS, Bangkok Street Food, Memory
Mark Raggett RWS, Porth y Bwch, Solva Beyond
Mark Raggett RWS, Small Landscape
Mark Raggett RWS, Spring Coast
Mark Raggett RWS, Western Coast Revisited
Robin Richmond RWS, Flowers by the Pond, France
Robin Richmond RWS, Mineral Histories I
Robin Richmond RWS, Tiny Green Trees
Robin Richmond RWS, Tiny Purple Trees
Stuart Robertson RWS, British Museum
Stuart Robertson RWS, Queens Pier
Stuart Robertson RWS, Smithfield Market
Stuart Robertson RWS, The Deltiologist
Sula Rubens RWS, Child with Umbrella
Sula Rubens RWS, The Elias Quartet
Sula Rubens RWS, Violinist Study
Chris Salmon RE, Angel Boy
Chris Salmon RE, Hatter
Chris Salmon RE, Three Figures
Chris Salmon RE, Topper and Copper
Linda Saul RWS, Clifftop Cottage
Linda Saul RWS, Fisherman's Hut, Priest's Cove
Linda Saul RWS, Mindscape VI
Linda Saul RWS, Mindscape VII
Margaret Sellars RE, Rainforest: Morning
Margaret Sellars RE, Rainforest: Night
Margaret Sellars RE, Stargazing 1
Margaret Sellars RE, Stargazing 2
Serena Smith ARE, Psalter 4
Peter S. Smith RE, Amaryllis No. 36
Peter S. Smith RE, Canopy
Richard Sorrell PPRWS Hon. RE, London Street
Richard Sorrell PPRWS Hon. RE, Memory Room
Richard Sorrell PPRWS Hon. RE, Queue
Richard Sorrell PPRWS Hon. RE, The Path towards the House
David Sully ARE, Boundary Wall
David Sully ARE, Cold Wind
David Sully ARE, Fast Flowing Water
David Sully ARE, Sudden Rain
Glynn Thomas RE, Burano
Glynn Thomas RE, Santa Maria dei Miracoli
Ann Tout RE, Bank Vole
Lisa Traxler RWS, Shape Shifting 1
Lisa Traxler RWS, Shape Shifting 2
Lisa Traxler RWS, Shape Shifting 6
Bren Unwin PPRE Hon. RWS, Carpocapsa
Bren Unwin PPRE Hon. RWS, Frisson
Bren Unwin PPRE Hon. RWS, Montana Roja 2
Joao Villas Student RE, Acid Bitten Singularity
Frans Wesselman RE, A Winter's Tale
Frans Wesselman RE, Elephant II
Frans Wesselman RE, Holy cow
Frans Wesselman RE, Man, Lion
Annie Williams RWS RE, Horsley Still Life
Annie Williams RWS RE, In a Curious Place
Annie Williams RWS RE, Small Objects All My Own
Annie Williams RWS RE, Still Life with a Country Jug
Roy Willingham RE, Postprint No.2 ~ Centro Commerciale
Roy Willingham RE, Postprint No.9 ~ L'Esposizione
David Wiseman ARWS, Dartmoor River
David Wiseman ARWS, Looking Out to the Shippen, Hope Cove
David Wiseman ARWS, Pitshanger Riverside - Dusk
David Wiseman ARWS, Rushing River Dartmoor
Wai Wong ARE, Blossom
Wai Wong ARE, Focal Bloom
Wai Wong ARE, Positive Bloom
Gertie Young RWS, A Great Day Out
Gertie Young RWS, Enough to Go Round
Gertie Young RWS, Smokers’ Bench
Gertie Young RWS, Things I Found Beachcombing
Giulia Zaniol RE, Blue Saint Paul
Giulia Zaniol RE, Rocking Horse
Summer at Bankside Gallery
Past exhibition